Top Tips for Keeping Your Kids' Clothes Organized

Rob Dunn • September 20, 2019
Top Tips for Keeping Your Kids' Clothes Organized

Is your child’s closet overrun with small apparel, shoes, a variety of accessories, and more? Children have short attention spans and short arms, so it is often difficult for them to keep their clothing organized on their own. In addition, children often do not have the skills to follow organizational systems that make sense to adults. We’ve come up with some ways to get your kids’ closets organized and, even better, to help your children maintain them.

Forget the High Hanging Rod

If your child is under 9 or 10 years old, it might be difficult for them to comfortably reach the hanging rod that is in most closets. Even older children can find it uncomfortable to take clothes on and off of the rod without pulling it off of the hangers. This leads not only to clothes ending up on the floor and haphazardly thrown in various parts of the bedroom but also to clothing becoming pulled and stretched out of shape. 

Instead, think about how you could make it easier for your child to put away his or her clothes. Drawers are one popular option. A closet company like Bayou Closets can install drawers right in the closet. Sliding a short chest of drawers into the closet space is another good option (be sure to anchor it to the wall if you have a small child who could possibly pull it over onto him- or herself). Hooks on the wall are another tool that many kids will be able to use to keep their clothes organized. Or you could simply move the hanging bar down to a height that is more comfortable for your child (or have a second one installed). There are many possibilities!

Group Clothing by Outfit

Most adults group their clothing by type. You might hang all of your blouses in one section of the closet, work pants in another, and more formal attire in a different area. Children, particularly young ones who have not yet learned how to make a proper outfit, might do better if the clothing is organized in outfits rather than by type.

For example, group a shirt and pants that go together on one hanger. You can even drape underwear and socks over the same hanger with the aid of clothespins or clips. Or if you are using drawers, put all of the outfit components together in one neat stack. If you put away outfits like this, all your child has to do in the morning is take one complete outfit out of the closet and get dressed. This can eliminate the hassle in the morning of sending your child back to change when he comes out in a sweater and a pair of last summer’s shorts or a red plaid shirt and shorts with a purple print.

Kids Custom Closet System

Minimize the Options

Speaking of mixing seasonal items, it’s best to switch out clothes for the season. Since it doesn’t really get cold very often in the NOLA area, you might consider keeping heavier clothing items out of your child’s closet. On the occasional chilly day or week, you can bring out the heavier sweaters to layer over what your child wears normally. 

Also, consider keeping only a handful of outfits in your child’s closet at any given time. If you are able to put together 20 outfits for your child, for example, it might be better to split that into thirds and rotate the clothes out every couple of weeks. Keep the inactive outfits in bins or on a high hanging rod, and put the “active” outfits down where your child can reach them. This can minimize the tendency of a small child to toss items on the floor; at least there are only a few outfits available to drop!

Remove Clothes in the Wrong Sizes

Growing children go through clothing quickly; in the span of a few weeks, your child might suddenly grow an inch and need a bigger size. Many parents keep clothing for their kids to grow into so that every growth spurt doesn’t require an expensive shopping spree. The problem occurs when children have access to the clothing that doesn’t fit yet. They want to wear it, but it either doesn’t look right or doesn’t stay on, so then they become frustrated. In addition, they will often get these items mixed up with their current wardrobe or will drop it on the closet floor.

Take the items you are saving for your child to grow into and put them somewhere where your child will not be able to access them. A box on the top closet shelf, a bin in the attic, or even somewhere else in the house. At the same time, regularly go through your child’s wardrobe and remove items that are too small. The fewer items you have in the closet that are not appropriate to wear, the more organized your child’s closet will be.

Kids Custom Closet System

Invest in the Right Closet Organizers

Some parents hesitate at the thought of installing custom children’s closet components. They are an investment, and they might worry that the kids will outgrow them and they won’t be worth the money spent. Closet Decor & More, a custom closet company in South Florida, has recently published a post on this very topic, titled Are Children’s Custom Closets Worth It? We recommend that you give it a read if you are not sure whether you want to invest in children’s closets.

If you are ready to get organized in your child’s closet or any other room of your home, contact Bayou Closets in the New Orleans area. We will go to your home for a free consultation and design appointment so you can see the difference custom closets can make in your home’s organization.


Bayou Closets Inc.

2537 North Rampart Street

New Orleans, LA 70117


(504) 420-9940


Contact us, and we will come out and discuss your project free of charge.

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